Okay, so I still don't know how I feel about the idea of a 'blog' but I think it can be a useful tool to transmit images and impressions to you folks that happen to be elsewhere in the world right now. That said, I will try to update consistently enough.
First few days have been good but it has taken some time to get over the jet lag and adapt to the schedule here. I wake up around 7 for el desayuno which consists of a few pieces of toast w marmalade (preferably bitter orange) and coffee. Then I hop on the bus for the 30 min commute up to to the Universidad de Alicante, which is actually in a different town. Class from 9-11, then an hour long break for el almuerzo which is only a piece of fruit, maybe a chocolate croissant, and more coffee at one of the university cafes. More class from 12-2, then bus home for la comida, which is usually the biggest meal of the day. Most businesses around town close from 2-5 for the meal and siesta, then reopen for a few hours. Dinner is at 8 or 9.
The weekends are a different story. People begin to head out to the bars around 12. The discotecas don't open until 3 or 4 am. The ingenious siesta becomes a necessity.
In two weeks, the intensive cycle ends and regular classes start. I am taking Spanish of the Americas at the university with Spanish students, and classes on Mediterranean Gastronomy (hopefully) and 21st Cent Spain along with a language class at the CIEE center.
First test tomorrow. I will add pictures later if I can get the uploader to work...
hasta luego