Last night was carnaval. Here the young people celebrate by dressing up in costumes and going out to the streets to party all night long. The city sets up decorations, organizes live music, and plans events. The main streets of Alicante were flooded with people in every costume imaginable. Many American football players, some Dharma initiative employees from lost, cows, you name it. Everyone was packed shoulder to shoulder on this dock that goes out into the water, spilling onto the beach and the rambla, and overtaking one of the main plazas. It was quite an event
School is done differently here. There are almost no textbooks; instead, students go to the copisterias, which are little cramped rooms that smell like ink and have a group of xeroxes, and buy notebooks with all the course material. However, the copisterias all have books for random classes and are located in random buildings. For my literature class I hand to find out that the copisteria in the science building was where I needed to go, after waiting in lines at three other copisterias. Somehow, the university can still function and all the students get there books. The next task is to find where I can buy the obscure latin american novels i need for that same class...